Wednesday, April 27, 2011


【2011 love washing, 2012, dawn of spiritual awakening awakening
[Resources / Web Editor / Lily]

dawn awakening 2011.2 second
--- 【advocate vegetarian, self-redemption】

full of positive energy we
everybody has their own abilities and missions, a cloud of people are at differ densities in a sense, we Earth, with one progressive skirmish between light and darkness, this news from a kind can be seen, this struggle is a slavery mentality so that we freed from the skirmish, because we are insufficient liberty, some of us who have forgotten what freedom is, some of us who understand only hate, violence, terror, smoking, drug damage and additional evil forces, and some people have terrors, faith systems and superstitions All these evil forces, and enhance the negative forces of our energy, would you like to live in such a world you?
nevertheless some folk do not deem, whatsoever, attempt some of the negate entities from your mind Clear it, condense aboard assured energy on it, that is our strength to withstand evil, because we can not be wielded by the forces of darkness. In a sense, we, we live in this smart globe, is To study how in a globe full of negate effects, apt preserve affirmative vigor.
the meaning of life lies in awareness, spiritual growth, the development of the mind, personality development, although in our life, by a certain stage, will release the evil spirit of energy, because we wanted to learn everything, the earth is a educate, a place where we can improve the psyche of every of us, there is intention to a higher goal is not it? friends, it is time to change all this. obtain rid of all our negative emotions to positive emotional energy to the top of it! build a positive appetite to get more knowledge almost the universe, more much almost life, dealing with people's knowledge!
not affected by the negative impact of people, they pilfer our energy, like them ambition you to keep the incipient state! with the negative ecology of the people try to dispute with you, you chance petulant and feeble, a positive an, give us adore, strength, knowledge, we have the right to decide which side! light or darkness, love or hate, do not be tricked by them.
They said they were sacred, yet, while production some evil asset, or asset that injure the health, magnificent people cared about their own health, because they know thatself-love. He does not adore whichever man,shanghai escort, because he will be responsible because his own life , a human merely love themselves before they can love others, each of us must immediately decide whether to spirited life, or to a negative life, do not waste life in no sense part of the television show, do not garbage your life in the deficiency of significance of some microprocessor games, do not consume edible without nourishment,alternatively ought be favor swine and sheep heaving bring an end to ...the plafavorike cattle, pills, or is accustom to kill millions of people of religion, while we came to this earth, we ought arrange to the most direction, and not to the lower direction, muse about why it!
greet to reprint so that more people can watch
invite you to take the carbon footprint per person per year:
to a colossal digit of non-meat vegetarian reduce the carbon footprint
1. carnivore's carbon emissions equivalent to driving 4758 km to drive a medium car;
2. vegetarians carbon emissions equivalent to driving 2427 km to steer a medium motorcar, almost half;
3 . vegan diet's carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized car traveling 629 kilometers, is a carnivore's seventh, less 87%;
4. Organic Vegan carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized car traveling 281 kilometers, more than carnivore fewer 94%;
5. Organic Vegan 94% can dwindle carbon emissions and reduce greenhouse gases, Go Green, Save the Earth.
you and me from the begin!
solve universal warming crisis The maximum direct and telling and free access to
is organic vegan diet!
star vegetarian feedback to carbon rebate in Copenhagen phoned
notable artists: Gao Yuanyuan, Liang Tao, Zeng Li, Zheng Jun, Back Dorm boys,
Peng Tan,toronto asian escort, Terry Lin, jointly fired dragon wide environmental public announcement TV

reflection of person vegetarian
click the correlate beneath to download

Love Tip:
pure vegetarian diet you select, do not use productions involving animal elements,
animals and retention lives, defend the environment, retention the planet!!
FAO: Livestock generate more greenhouse gases than a car. Please vegetarian, make a contribution to the global environment!

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